Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The First Time...

My lovely AND talented wife, Jennifer, comments on her process:

First timer

The idea of me directing one of these short films probably came from the fact that on my husband’s previous films, I can’t keep my ideas of what I think  would be good to myself…so it’s not that I really thought I could direct, but I knew I do have ideas…so my approach to this was not to get overwhelmed with the whole responsibility of the project, but to try my best to execute any ideas I had with the material & see what happens….I also really wanted to be open to anyone else’s ideas tooJ  I had after all directed College Night in undergrad & a few short plays in directing classes in grad school…so for this I wanted to think cinematically….I knew my actors were talented & would bring a lot of choices, no need to worry about the acting for this one…I wanted to see a story in pictures…which led me to the idea that for the first page, maybe my pictures could lead the audience to think …”hmm, what’s happening here?…why is he afraid or sweating it out?”…only to hopefully set up it being funnier once it’s revealed the reason for his fear…I wanted to convey a feeling in the shots that I set up of that of the male character…of feeling trapped in a situation…inappropriate …..I just went through the story and tried to “cover” all of the action with several setups & learned as we shot, that after I think a got the scene covered, that I probably didn’t need OTS & and close ups of 4 lines of dialogue!…next step is editing…another thing I’ve never done before…

Monday, September 10, 2012

we forgot to take pictures during the shoot...so please enjoy these hastily staged ones!

Babies' first directing gig

hmmm how do I tell my husband that his acting is schmaltzy?

Monica, GREAT...Honey, I said LESS schmaltzy

when you have no money, you have no crew, you have no still photographer

Yep. We shot this film in a bathroom. Here, Grisel tries not to choke on the  urine smell whilst setting up a smokin' take

Did I mention the bathroom reeked of urine? did I mention no AC??

hmmmm what this scene needs? 56% MORE SCHMALTZ!

Yes, pee pee goes in there.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

On sleeping with one's director...

first I need to say...for the record...that I discovered a lurking six pack of Lienkugel's Summer Shandy (and i know i probably spelled that wrong) behind a gallon of almond milk in the fridge tonight and so I write this a little...shall we say...perfunkilated?

I'm sitting here, in the dark, and my editor is hard at work color correcting Fuck New York downstairs and the camera and sound gear is packed with care by the door and my Lounge Act script is memorized and tomorrow we go to the same office location that we shot FNY's office scene to use the men's room for Lounge Act and at this moment--one film almost in the can and 1/12th finished with this new project--I am bona fide.  I am making films.

I casually look over on the coffee table and see the shot list for tomorrow. 'Tis a fantastic, well thought out and detailed shot list. It is typed. It makes sense. It has a logic just ripe to maximize set ups and also allow for freedom to experiment.  As shot lists go...this is pretty much neat/sweet/petite.

That should have been your first clue that I'm not directing this one.

My wife is.

Because I said that I might like to act again...that I haven't actually acted in a long mother flushing time and was thinking that I was at that point where if I didn't act in one of these soon, I'd probably just never act again and she said, "well why don't I direct the next one and you act in it"  and just like that it was so.

because that, my little chickadees, is how she rolls.  She's a planner and a doer; a rock AND a roller; she doesn't talk about stuff; she makes shit happen.  It was she that, over a plate of eggplant parm, when I causally mentioned "you know if we could just get few things, we could have our own white trash movie studio", said "how much and let's do it".  She's the one who told me I was the "real deal" at a moment when i felt very much the opposite.  she's the one who said to me...SAYS to me every time I am at the point where I want to pull an Old Man Charlie (you'll get it soon enough FNY!!), just keep going...keep working for those Ten Days (Ed Burns Fans understand this).  In short...if any of this ever pans out, it will be because and ONLY because of her.

did I mention she's also carrying not one but TWO of my children?

And now she creates a shot list of this magnitude.

I don't know exactly how to wrap this up since I've lost track of what my original intention of this post was...but I guess I can say that Quite Film is more her than it is me...because, although it was my dream, it was her will that made it so.

Break a Leg tomorrow, Jejo.

now I shall publish this before I get truly disgusting...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

September Gurls...the second one. The second script

Lounge Act

Another Movie Poet script...started life as something else and loosely based on a true story that involved me, my friend Rachel and a sweet 16 party...